Have you ever thought of giving your dull car a makeover? Then what it needs is a detailing service, which entails different aspects of maintenance such as cleaning the interiors, paint restoration, wheel care and engine refurbishment.
Exterior Car Detailing
For exterior car detailing in Dubai, different techniques are utilized to attain the perfect look, including waxing followed by polishing. To ensure exceptional results, our detailers use high quality products to dry the car’s surface and then apply polishes and waxes to bring back its original shine.
Car detailing normally focuses on tail lights, headlamps, windows, and bumpers to give the car a perfect look. However, scratch removal is the main part of the process where all kinds of stains and scratches from the car surface are treated with advanced techniques.
Interior Car Detailing
This phase entails full cleaning of the interior, which includes cleaning carpets and foot mats as well as shampooing seats. Our detailers use special brushes and tools to remove stains on the seats as well as on the surfaces, giving your interior that fresh look and feel.
Paint Protection
Paints are highly sensitive and thus, easily get affected by harsh environmental conditions. This is prevalent in the Middle East, and it’s not a wonder why there is an ever-growing demand for paint protection services. Here at Premier Car Care, our painters are knowledgeable and experienced in all the aspects of paint protection. We use high quality chemicals and apply a thin layer of coat to the car’s body to restore its shine as well as ensure that the paint will stand the test of time and of the elements.
Your prized possession deserves to look great both inside and out all season long. With the complete and high quality car detailing services we have in store, you will leave our car service center happy and satisfied.